Kita Alsterpalais

Childcare at the Bildungshaus Alsterpalais

Welcome to the Kita Alsterpalais! We are housed in a beautiful, listed building at Alsterdorfer Strasse 523, where our school is also located. Our childcare centre provides creche children from the age of 12 months and infants aged 3 to 6 with a place to live, learn, play and grow.

You can read on our webpage how we shape the future together at the Bildungshaus Alsterpalais – true to our motto ‘living the future’, we will give you insight into everyday life at our childcare centre, for example under the headings of ecology and sustainability, participation or bilingual life.


Kita Alsterpalais
Alsterdorfer Straße 523
22337 Hamburg

Head of Kita Alsterpalais: Constanze Ihloff

Childcare offer

Depending on your needs, we offer all types of services according to the Hamburg voucher system. Individual and private care times can be arranged with us within the scope of our possibilities.

We are open from 7 am to 5 pm.


If you are interested in a childcare place, please fill out a non-binding reservation form. Please come to one of our day care centre tours and get to know our rooms and our concept!

You can find all information about the registration here!


From our everyday life

JobAktiv Messe

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