Primary School (gr 1-6)

Welcome to the primary school (grade 1-6)

Grades 1 to 6 form the primary school at our Bildungshaus. Thus the move from the primary school into secondary school is a fluid one. Children learn here in teams across age groups. There are three teams in which children in grades 1 to 3 learn together and three teams in which children in grades 4 to 6 learn together.
Each team comprises approximately 21 schoolchildren and two teachers, one of whom has a native level of English.

If you would like to enrol your child in the primary school, click here for all the important information. Please note that we begin planning our school year at least three months before the state schools. By January all the places have usually been allocated for children in year one.


Zukunftsschule Alsterpalais
Alsterdorfer Straße 523
22337 Hamburg

Acting Head of School: Dr. Bianka Steffens
School office: Aireen Gettel

LI_Klimaschule_Guetes_2023_2024 (1)



April 2024, Kita und Zukunftsschule Alsterpalais laden euch zum gemeinsamen Kinder-Flohmarkt ein. Samstag, den 27. April,von 11 bis 14 Uhrim Außengelände vor dem Bildungshaus Alsterpalais,Alsterdorfer

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